Our Special Needs
- Uniform Dress
- Food & Eatables
- Grocery (Items)
- Tools & Aids for Teaching
- Rehabilitation Aids (Calipers, Tricycles,Wheel-Chairs).
- Cupboard, Furniture, Book-Shelf.
- Bed Sheet, Shawl & Cots, Pillows, Soap, Oil Pens, Pencil and anything useful for the children & for our activities.
- Assistance for Accomodation / infrastructure (Building, Lighting).
- Machinery for small industries (Chalk-Piece).
- Musical Instruments (Electronic & Classical).
- Computer-Units, Printers & VCD Players.
- Science Practical kits and Models.
More Needs for Other Services:
- Awareness kits for Rural Camps.
- Photo-phone & Slide Projectors.
- Rolling-Type Board with Stand.
- Camping-Tent Material
Also Needs Any Financial Support
Special Note: Contributions within India will be Applicable for 80-G exemption